Symphony Mobile to build manufacturing unit at Summit Technopolis
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Photo caption: Managing Director of Edison Group Mr. Zakaria Shahid and Managing Director of Summit Technopolis Mr. Abu Reza Khan signed the agreement to build Symphony’s manufacturing unit. Chairman of Symphony Mobile Mr. Aminur Rashid, Summit Corporation’s Head of Admin Col. Jawadul Islam (Retd) along with other senior officials were also present.
Symphony Mobile signed an agreement with Summit Technopolis to build a facility that will manufacture different components of mobile, (mobile) accessories, assembling mobile phones along with software development. Symphony Mobile factory is likely open by early 2019 where it is expected to employ about 2,000 people with approximate USD 12 million investment.
Under this agreement, Summit Technopolis, a company of Summit Group will provide related infrastructural support to Symphony Mobile for setting up their factory at Bangabandhu High Tech Park (BHTA) in Kaliakoir, Gazipur.
At the signing ceremony, Mr. Zakaria Shahid said, “The government of Bangladesh has unveiled a new milestone for the people of the country by allowing the establishment of mobile phone factory.”He expressed his gratitude to the Bangladesh government and mentioned that his hope soon Symphony handsets can be offered at an even lower price to the people. He also said that this factory will be able to manufacture about one crore handsets every year.
Managing Director of Summit Technopolis Mr. Abu Reza Khan said, “We are pleased to have Symphony on board at Summit Technopolis.”
About Summit Technopolis Limited:
Summit Technopolis Limited, a Public Private Partnership (PPP), is the concessionaire for developing infrastructure for hi-tech industry comprising of Information Technology (IT), Information Technology enabled Services (ITeS), bio-tech, non-polluting manufacturing assembly lines and precision engineering companies, in the 91 acres area of Block II and V in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City, Kaliakoir, Gazipur. Summit Technopolis leased under the provision to design, build, finance, own, operate and transfer to government on completion of 60 years lease period. You may also visit:
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